Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing #14 Technorati

I've spent several days and quite a few computer sessions grappling with Technorati. It seems easy to use--just type in a term and search the blogospere--and yet there are a lot of mysterious, unfathomable (at least to me) aspects about it too. It seems a lot like a Internet search. So many of the hits did not seem to apply. I guess it would probably get more navigable in time.

When I searched for school library blogs, there were SO many (okay, not that many, but still, enough that I didn't want to go through them all), and the ones I looked at seemed pretty random. I know tags are a big part of Technorati, yet they are not stikingly visible, like they are in Flickr and Delicious. I wonder why not?

It's nice to know Technorati is there, but doubt I'll use it often. Yet...who knows? I might surprise myself.

PS I have found some really good blogs (although not through Technorati). My favorite is Doug Johnson's writing blog, where you can find "Doug's T-Shirt Says...List"--it's great! He also write the Blue Skunk blog; both blogs are a nice mixture of humor, library topics and educational/technology information.

1 comment:

  1. I too, found technorati to be a bit daunting. It had so much that I spent several hours in the site. I feel sure that you will find something that you like better out there.
